100% Donations Delivery policy.

A single penny can help 100% save a life They feed the hungry, treat the sick and educate the child. It’s
for this reason Vhani Foundation CIC runs a 100% donations
delivery policy. A 100% donations Delivery policy denotes that your every
single penny donated is used strictly for charitable efforts and
administration. Donations go into a ‘charity and administration
cost’ bank account from which cost is removed for fundraising
or administration costs. Whether £1 or £100 therefore, every
little helps!
Like any organization Vhani Foundation CIC has administration
costs and overheads to meet. Funds to adjust full-time staff,
pay utility bills and rents, cover accounting and legal costs, and
fundraise, are all needed to help the charity function.
- What ways Vhani Foundation CIC do follow then cover its administration costs while adhering to a 100% donations delivery policy?
Vhani Foundation CIC runs other way and a separate
‘administration-only’ bank account. This account has its own
sources of funding as detailed below
Vhani Foundation CIC continues to transfer administration
funds back into charity. Alhamdulillah, in the past year, an extra
£1000 has been transferred into the charity account, ensuring
that even more of our brothers and sisters have been helped.